AcasăDanemarcaCase of Rotundu family/MAE: Representatives of the Romanian embassy in Copenhagen visited...

Case of Rotundu family/MAE: Representatives of the Romanian embassy in Copenhagen visited minor’s parents on Sunday


Representatives of the Romanian Embassy in Copenhagen visited the Rotundu spouses on Sunday in the detention centers where they are currently being held.

„In the dialogue with the two Romanian citizens, the representatives of the diplomatic mission made sure that they knew their rights and provided them with informative material containing the most important rules that apply to detained people or placed under preventive custody in Denmark. The Romanian citizens stated that their rights are respected in the detention centers, that they had meetings with their lawyers and that they benefit from their support”, according to a Foreign Ministry (MAE) release sent to AGERPRES.

At the same time, the Romanian diplomats informed the minor’s parents about his state of health and confirmed to them that they are in permanent dialogue with the extended family members. They also underlined that the competent Romanian authorities pay special attention to the case, being notified and involved also the institutions of the Romanian state with attributions in the matter of assistance and protection of minors.

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