Is it because I am a foreigner or is it normal in Danmark???!!!
On Friday I had summer party at work in a nice restaurant in Amager – Copenhagen. At the end of the party one of my colleagues started to threaten us with expulsion from this country and after few seconds he started to punch a colleague (a woman). Somebody took him away from her and we ran.
He throw a chair after us and that chair landed in my head. 2 police officers came, took only our IDs. They didn’t ask us what happened, they didn’t ask any written statement, they didn’t ask any witness, they didn’t took that guy identity, they didn’t gave us any protection.
We were on the same site of the road with that guy and they asked us to cross the street if we don’t want other problems. This was everything they did and they left. Still in shock we took our way to the metro station and a big surprise, he was there too.
We hid and wait for the next metro. We decided to go to police station and ask what we should do next because we realized that it was not normal what just happened. There, they told us to go to the hospital and next day go again to the police in the area where incident happened.
We went to hospital and we were checked. I mention that the injures weren’t so bad, she have broken lips and a few bruises and I just had pain for couple of hours. Next day we tried to find an open police station in that area, but all of them are closed in weekend. We went back again on the same police station from the center. Another police officer that told us that if is not in his area he can’t do anything. Of the record we asked him like a police officer what is the normal / legal / usual procedure in this kind of case and he didn’t want to answer.
Actually it was a personal, not a professional, answer but it had nothing to do with the question.
On Monday, we will go again to the police, so we will see what is next!
Share if you consider that things like this shouldn’t happen again to anybody else! Best Regards, An European citizen
sursa : Loredana PetroiuRomâni în Danemarca
(UPDATE : Români în Danemarca
Buna seara.
Va anunt ca astazi am fost la politie si s-a deschis cazul. Asteptam sa ne invite sa dam declaratii in prezenta translatorilor. Va tin la curent. Va multumesc pentru sfaturi si suport! )
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mai mergeti la sumerparty ?
Suna destul de subiectiv. Totusi, eu nu cred ca acel danez a sarit la bataie pur si simplu pentru ca ploua afara. Ceva i-ati zis voi, mai ales ca era coleg de servici…
hmm…poate sa fie asa cum s-a mentionat deja…fie a-ti facut ceva ce l-a deranjat (intentionat sau nu) sau poate parintii lui sunt frati si la bautura o ia pe ulei… populatia asta minunata cat si mass media, au grija sa le indese in capul celorlati ca romanii is rai, ca talharesc, ca fura locuile de munca la danezii de rand si nu acestia din urma nu mai au bani sa puna mancare pe masa (poate radeti, dar unii danezi dramatizeaza pe tema asta).
cert este ca daca nu a-ti facut nimic rau si aveti martori, duceti-va pana in panzele albe, cereti-va dreptatea
Asta este partea cea mai complicata a intamplarii, ca nu am nici cea mai vaga idee din ce motiv s-a enervat. A mentionat doar ca il calca pe sistem ca nu vorbim daneza, ca ne da el afara din tara, ca nu ne vrea aici si a inceput sa loveasca. Totul s-a intamplat in cateva secunde.
Eu ii inteleg, in mare parte, pt ca lucrez in centru si zilnic mi se face greata vazand din ce popor ma trag…
Insa, dupa o astfel de intamplare as putea ramane cu impresia ca toti danezii sunt niste batausi de femei si ca asta este legal in Danemarca.
Am atata minte sa nu-i bag pe toti in aceeasi oala, insa atat timp cat traiesc si platesc taxe in aceasta tara, as dori sa fiu tratata corect.
Interesanta stire, indiferent cine a inceput scandalul, politia trebuia sa nu fie asa indiferenta si sa isi faca treaba mai serios.
Citind alte comentarii, trebuie sa fim realisti > niciodata nu o sa avem acelasi drepturi ca si danezii, politia, guvernul, societatea nu o sa ne trateze la fel, „Jante law” este valabila pentru toti imigrantii indiferent de vechime.
Exemple: se toleareaza la maxim vanzarea de ierburi in Christiania, poti sa circuli fara permis de conducere ( primesti doar o amenda), beat la volan fara permis de conducere si masina furata scapi bazma curata daca esti Danez, doar niste cazuri pe care le stiu eu…
Cei care suntem de ceva timp pe aici stim ce popor infect si ipocrit sunt danezii. Si danezii fura…nu portofele si Iphone-uri…fura sume fooarte mari…sunt tratati diferit de straini de catre autoritati (beneficii, intelegere etc). Si politia daneza….hahaha…politia daneza e o GLUMA….in romania sunt corupti dar aici aici sunt PROSTI…iar dc zici ca esti roman (sau polonez) probabil nu o sa te creada chiar dc ai dreptate. Trebuie doar sa te obisnuiesti cu astea dc vrei sa stai aici….sau sa fii destul de destept(a) sa le eviti sau sa le confrunti stiind la ce te astepti dupa dc te duci la „autoritati”. distractie faina si bine ai venit in dk:)
poate asa incepem sa apreciem faptul ca ai un loc al tau in lumea asta care poti sa il numesti PATRIA TA si poate asa incep sa se mai schimbe lucrurile si prin tara noastra.
e greu sa fie printre straini