The Copenhagen Post  : Declarăm că eclerele de la Queen’s Delight sunt, probabil, cele mai bune pe care le-am încercat vreodată.

Faceți-i ziua fericita lui Sebastian mergând la magazinul său din strada Grønnegade 37 (aproape de Gothersgade de lânga Kongens Nytorv) și faceți-o și pe a noastră citind una dintre exemplarele ziarului noastru care se afla la el în magazin. Fiecare ziar citit ajută!

The Copenhagen Post  : We do declare that the eclairs at Queen’s Delight are very probably the best we’ve ever tried. Make Sebastian’s day by dropping by his shop at Grønnegade 37 (close to the end of Gothersgade by Kongens Nytorv), and make ours by picking up one of our papers. Every copy helps!

Queen’s Delight : This French delicatessen is newly opened, and it is the only shop dedicated solely to eclairs in Copenhagen. A young Romanian couple from Bucharest, with a passion for sweets and especially eclairs, decided to move to the Danish capital to open up their dream shop. Rasia and Sebastián studied the craft and have become the ultimate eclair makers. They are the best eclairs you will ever try – better than the French ones! Made freshly every day early in the morning – passers-by can testify that they never sell second-day eclairs, which is actually their motto. Opposed to the traditional eclairs that tend to be made with a moister dough, Queen’s Delight has its own take on the pastry, which is more crunchy. Add creative flavours such as crunchy hazelnuts, salted caramel and tiramisu, and we’re talking about eclair perfection! Lookout for their monthly flavour.

” 🙁 Sorry all the eclairs are gone for today 🙁 „

Cititi si : O poveste de succes în presa daneza. Ecleruri românesti la Copenhaga. Cum a fost nevoit programatorul român Sebastian Petrescu să-și pună șorțul de cofetar

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