AcasăStiriDanezii pe primul loc la fumat cannabis din Europa iar locuitorii capitalei...

Danezii pe primul loc la fumat cannabis din Europa iar locuitorii capitalei , Copenhaga, cei mai buni la tras pe nas cocaina din Scandinavia

Copenhageners are Nordic champs at cocaine snorting

Earlier this week a report showed that Danes were European masters when it comes to smoking cannabis, and now new analysis shows that residents of the Danish capital are the Nordic kings of cocaine snorting.

According to the findings from the European narcotics agency EMCDDA, Copenhageners sniff enough lines for traces of the drug to be measured in the city’s waste water.

Tests carried out on weekends – the time of week when the most cocaine is snorted – showed that 255mg of cocaine was ingested per 1,000 people per day, compared to 92mg in Oslo and 36mg in Gothenburg.

“The tests show that a city like Copenhagen is ranked high in terms of cocaine remnants in waste water compared to other cities in Scandinavia,” Liesbeth Vandam, an analyst at EMCDDA, said according to Ekstra Bladet tabloid.

Copenhageners are Nordic champs at cocaine snorting

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