AcasăStiriDanish Romanian Business Association

Danish Romanian Business Association

DRBA Inaugural meeting


The Danish Romanian Business Association (DRBA), was initiated by the Royal Danish Embassy and established in the spring of 2011 – having the inaugural meeting on the 03rd of May at the ambassadors’ residence – H.E. Mr. Michael Sternberg.

The Association’s main objectives would thus be to actively contribute to the business developments between Denmark and Romania/Moldova and to contribute to its members’ interests and development.

DRBA, an association of Danish business activities in Romania, is a co-operative body with a source of ideas and information for its members. DRBA also acts as an important link to other business associations in Romania as well as Moldova. DRBA, plans to, frequently organizes presentations for its members to share valuable information and experiences.

The Board of Advisors of DRBA is made up of members with a strong commitment to the objectives of DRBA and the Annual Elections ensure this. The Board of Advisors is headed by the president of the board – H.E. Mr. Michael Sternberg – Danish Ambassador in Romania and Moldova.

DRBA has about 60 members and growing. DRBA is very much alive and provides an important support function for Danish businesses in Romania and Moldova.


The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs is represented throughout the entire world. The commercial department in the ministry is known as the Trade Council and serves the majority of Danish companies.

The Trade Council is a customer-oriented export and investment promotion organization. The mission of the Trade Council is to create value, growth and knowledge for Denmark through global consulting services and partnerships. In Romania we help both existing Danish companies already established as well as Danish exporters of commodities. The companies we work with on a consultancy basis are from small, to medium size to large. Our main goal is to assist the Danish companies penetrating the Romanian as well as Moldovan market or to establish themselves here.

The Trade Council works with many partners here in Romania. We also seek to stay in close contact with Danish companies in Romania and Moldova, and organize various business seminars in Denmark in order to inform companies in Denmark about the commercial possibilities.

The number of Danish companies active in Romania fortunately grows.

And please feel free to contact the Trade Department if you have questions or are in need of good advice or a contact.

Royal Danish Embassy, Bucharest
Commercial Department
3rd Dr. Burghelea,
RO-024031 Bucharest

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