AcasăPrima paginaHa,ha,ha :) Copenhagen Post: Pesti "piranha" mîncatori de coaie descoperiti în Øresund....

Ha,ha,ha :) Copenhagen Post: Pesti „piranha” mîncatori de coaie descoperiti în Øresund. Danezii si suedezii au fost avertizati sa poarte budigai cand fac baie

Experts said there is no need to panic, but warned swimmers to keep their shorts on when cooling off in the ocean.

Summer might be winding down, but dedicated beach-goers could be faced with a new menace that could deal a fate worse than drowning … for men at least.

A local fisherman caught a 21.5cm pacu in the Øresund near the island of Saltholm, just to the east of Copenhagen Airport. The pacu’s powerful, human-like molar teeth have reportedly been responsible for some grizzly fishing accidents in Papua New Guinea (Photo: Natural History Museum of Denmark)

Summer might be winding down, but dedicated beach-goers could be faced with a new menace that could deal a fate worse than drowning … for men at least.

A local fisherman caught a 21.5cm pacu in the Øresund near the island of Saltholm, just to the east of Copenhagen Airport.

The pacu, a cousin to the feared South American carnivorous piranha, is armed with big, molar-like teeth that have been known to chomp off the testicles of men, mistaking their family jewels for nuts.

„It is known as a plant-eater, but having said that, it goes for a little bit of everything,” Peter Rask Møller, a fish expert at the Natural History Museum of Denmark. „In unclear waters, it can mistakenly go for anything that hangs and dangles. It can crush nuts and has very sharp teeth.”

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  1. pacu ala nu a fost la dentist, i s-au stricat dintii.
    daca ma musca de coaie ii cad toti dintii… de fapt si redactia poate sa ma muste de coaie.


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