AcasăPrima paginaInca un nou nascut gasit abandonat intr-un tufis in Danemarca. In februarie...

Inca un nou nascut gasit abandonat intr-un tufis in Danemarca. In februarie a fost gasit intr-o punga copilul unei romance

Copilul romancei gasit in februarie traieste si se afla in grija unei familii de danezi, care l-a adoptat. Redactiei îi place sa creada ca acest copil va avea de acum un alt fel de destin. 

A tiny movement coming from a discarded plastic Fakta bag lying partially hidden beneath a bush yesterday on Dybedalsvej in Farum caught the eye of a man walking by. When he took a closer look, he found a second plastic bag stuffed inside the first. Inside the two bags was a newborn baby girl wrapped in a dirty blue towel. The man immediately called 112.

The baby was described as fair-skinned and as slightly smaller than normal. Doctors who examined her suspected that the baby was not born in a hospital based on the unprofessional way her umbilical cord had been cut. They estimated that she was born sometime between 4am – 8am Thursday morning. Shortly after her birth, the child was placed in the bags and left under the bush. The man found her at around 10am Thursday morning.

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  1. E usor de aratat cu degetul spre o romanca dau mai greu de dovedit.Poate acel copil era a unei daneze bete care a iesit dintr-un pub sau vreo tiganca !
    O romanca nu ar face asa ceva !


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