AcasăStiriPrimim la redactie. Trist sa citesc acest website de stiri despre romanii....

Primim la redactie. Trist sa citesc acest website de stiri despre romanii. Vad numai stiri negative (aproape 90%)

Este destul de trist sa citesc acest website de stiri despre romanii. Vad numai stiri negative (aproape 90%), si aproape nimic pozitiv.
Totusi, am observat in Copenhagen Post un articol legat de niste romanii, si sunt curios cum de nu a ajuns in acest loc. (este un articol pozitiv).
E bine sa mai cautam si stirile pozitive care sunt destul de multe prin Danemarca, trebuie doar sa deschidem ochii

O zi buna
Tiberiu Bogdan

n.r. D-le Tiberiu Bogdan , publicam articolul respectiv

Narcis George Matache, a Romanian studying marketing in Aalborg, is the leader of the international campaign team.

Matache and his team, which represents 80 percent of the nationalities of the EU and includes about 50 volunteers, visited universities, halls of residence and language schools encouraging people to get registered to vote. They have also been active on social media. “It was a lot of fun and an amazing experience,” he said.

Sceptical reception
But the team wasn’t always met with enthusiasm. “We did some campaigning door-to-door. Our best results were when we used a Norwegian volunteer. Other times people were sceptical about opening the door to someone who doesn’t look Danish,” Matache said.

“Also, using English was not well-received. Some people actually complained about us campaigning in English.”

A worthwhile experience
But Matache emphasises that the experience was worthwhile. “When people respond nicely it reminds you of why you do it,” he said.

“Most of the volunteers had never made contact with a Danish person before. It’s as though there are two societies – Danes and internationals – and they rarely mix.”

Internationals can contribute
For Matache, the experiences of the team dovetail with Christensen’s policies. “That is one of Ole’s aims: to include internationals in Danish life,” he said. “They should be treated equally. Internationals can contribute to society.”

“When foreigners I know apply for a job, most don’t even get an answer. If I count the people who came to Denmark as students at the same time as me five years ago, there were about 300 of us. Now there are only about ten left – the rest have moved back to their home country or to another country like the UK.”

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